Blazor Fullstack – Part 1

Blazor webassembly + azure auth + syncfusion

Create a Blazor WebAssembly app
  + Azure Authentication/Authorization
  + Syncfusion
  + SQL Server

I was looking around for what to use for the next app, and I come across this, so I thought I’d put together a step by step process for creating a client side Blazor app using Azure logins and roles/groups with Syncfusion.


The goal here is to create a Blazor + WebApi app with three roles (reader, writer and admin).


Read this page. Secure an ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly hosted app with Azure Active Directory. These steps are very similar except that as the Blazor webassembly is going to be hosted on the same site as the api we are going to combine the server api and client app registrations into one. This means the same roles are used in both the client and server projects.

Download Visual Studio 2019 Community edition and SQL Server. Search for it. You’ll find the links Smile

Download and sign up for Syncfusion from here.  Depending on your situation you might even qualify for the Community License. Seeing as you’ve already downloaded VS2019 Community Edition, you just might. Scroll to the bottom of that page to find the Complimentary Licensing section.